This is an old thread, revived, so let me update my previous two cents.
We choose not to use an electric device such as a crock pot or Instant Pot. We almost never have hookups, and we have too many more important demands on our solar/lithium electrical system, such as fridge, power tools, drone, and other devices.
I'm on the look-out for a small propane-fired analog to a slow-cooking electric crock pot, and if anyone has experience with that, please cite a product.
This year, we added a Clam Venture screened room to our inventory. It stores on our van roof where the inflatable kayak used to be (because I grew to despise inflatable kayaks and ceased carrying one).
We also added a Magma grill and a cast iron pan with a detachable handle which allows its lid to close. The Magma / cast iron combo can grill, fry, and bake.
I'm also acquiring a selection of smaller refillable propane bottles to help fuel both the Magma and that as-yet-to-be-discovered crock pot analog. In stores, propane bottles are typically restricted to 20 pound and 1 pound ends of the spectrum, but 5 and 11 pound options are also out there, and are much easier to carry in a small space.
On another thread, I mentioned that frying food inside a Class B will inevitably result in grease residue accumulating on inside surfaces. Even with a splatter cover and a roof fan running, some amount of this is inevitable in such a small space. I don't like it, hence the combination of outdoor cooking plus screened room.
If using electrical hook-ups, an extension cord could be run to a screened room on rainy days for devices such as a crock pot or Instant pot.