Originally Posted by annarborRVer
I have a 2018 Winnebago Paseo. The Carefree (not really carefree is it?) awning is getting stuck, motor runs, but won't extend. Initially when I banged on the end getting stuck it would dislodge and eventually extend. Now the motor runs but I have to manually tug on it with the motor running to get it to extend. Sure looks like a defective design to me, with all the problems reported on it throughout the internet.
I have some patience and a little mechanical knowledge so I will dig into it and if I can figure out what is going on, will share. I bought the camper used and don't believe there is any warranty left on it.
Now my PASEO is 3 years old and the Carefree awning deploys whenever I want it to.
However, once in a while I push the button and it sort of struggles for a few seconds and then it finally opens. So, not really perfect.
Could you post back here what you found if you dig into it ?