Originally Posted by chrislana
bad and awning didn't work Thanks for the come back on the batt relay
Good, you found it! Same as the one we have. Two things to try to see if it is the controller. With power off disconnect the BMPro wires on the three terminal block on the left side of the controller. Then jump extend or retract with a wire turn on the power and see if the awning moves. If it doesn’t, again with power off remove the dc power wires and awning motor wires on the right side of the controller. Connect the awning motor wires, one to 12V, the other to ground. Turn on power. If the awning moves the controller is bad. Of the awning doesn’t move reverse the motor wires and try again. If the awning still doesn’t move it’s the awning motor or wiring. It still could be the controller but probably not. Happy trails.