new to us
This is the third try. I can't figure out how to continue when I accidently click in the wrong place. I bought the Rialta as a replacement for a 5th wheel due to changing needs. Retired 5 years now. we travel between Fl and Wl (winter/summer) In september we traveled to the last states I have never visited. Oregon, Washington and California. The trip was magnificant. We visited all the National parks before they closed and was amazed by the beaches. Growing up in FL on the Gulf made me think "beach" meant one thing. We took the Rialta to Rialta Beach in Washington, amazing timbers wash on shore, not my usual seaweed.
We have issues with the auto airconditioner and a oil leak but just love traveling this way. I am hoping to resolve the air conditioning issues in FL after Christmas and that carrying oil to replenish the leaking engine will be enough to keep it fine. Oh I loved Oil Can Henry for oil changes out west.