I know that I’m reviving my old post, I’m the OP.
I’ve been hot and cold about our purchase, plus I done quite a bit of research on the Sprinter models. There are a lot of negative problems with Sprinters that I have read about, but I’m sure there are a lot of happy owners out there too.
I have elected to focus on a gas unit, which can be serviced anywhere. Since I will be buying a used unit for our first class b, and wanting to keep our expenses down so that we can afford to actually go on trips and not just look at a pretty RV sitting in our driveway.
We have shifted towards a B+ for a little more room. There are a lot of nice ones out there and plan to get very serious in the next few months, as the demands drop for summer vacations.
We really like the Chinooks, but they are much higher in price than other used models.
I’m asking if there are any manufactures that I should avoid? I’ve already crossed Thor off my list.