92D190V new member
For the the last 3 years we have been practicing down sizing with our 92D190V, and it is my new hobby. I have done numerous mods and repairs. On the Trek side compressor fridge, 200W solar, PD Converter, LED TV, psw inverter, extra battery, heavy maint on onan, new stove, new control board for furnace dump valves, real 7" foam matress, wifi , gps nav and built a cabnette at the drivers side passenger seat. On the Van, new tires, replaced isolator, replaced shocks and sagging front springs, rebuilt transmission, replaced cooling system, added 'transmission cooler, put relays and rewired headlights circuits, replaced headligth and OD switches.
Just routine maint keeping 23 old rig on the road and minor improvements, and moving tech from the big rig.