Originally Posted by SQUASHMIRE
so new board installed? any change in generator problem you were trying to fix?
Well, I am both confused and embarrassed. since after Thanksgiving I have been able run the generator and had the ATS make the AC connection while still waiting for the circuit board part to arrive. I am now pondering possibilities for the cause of this failure:
1) Was there a loose connection somewhere that I "fixed" while wrestling vigorously with the plastic ATS case to see how the circuit board could be removed.
2) Could there be a faulty capacitor in the circuit board that is causing this problem to only be intermittent.? (My son suggested this based on his experience with an intermittent issue on a radio transmitter)
3) What is the minimum voltage needed for the ATS solenoid to activate? I have read where some folks say they always have the chassis engine running before they start the generator. i.e. 14.2v
The thing is: I have run the PD5100 diagnostics which included pushing the solenoid down with an insulated tool while the generator was running. It would make a connection, but it would not hold that connection by itself (latch) nor would it make the connection automatically.
Maybe UPS will arrive today with the circuit board. I may carry it around with me for a while to see how much of an irritant I still have with this issue. In my old days the maintenance folks would label this issue C-N-D. ( cannot dupicate).