Originally Posted by Fisher182
Thanks, my internet connection here is sporadic so posts are slow.
I shut the alarms off and didnt work. The sound is coming from the dispay unit for the inverter not the actual inverter itself. Last time i plugged in when it started beeping i put on a heavy load and it stopped. I unplugged and started the generator and it performed the same.
I got checking around and could hear a fan (sounded like a computer fan) that appeared to be struggling. It is on the converter. The converter was warm to the touch but by no stretch hot. Is it normal for the converter to be warm?
Do you have the manual for the remote, I can't find one on the Xantrex site? I think the PN is 808-9016.
If it is like the other remotes for the Freedom they show, it should have an indicator lamp on it for faults and be able to show a fault code, I think. So that would be a good place to start.
Easiest may be a call or email to Xantrex to see what they say about it all.
Converters are normally a bit warm based on how much power they are generating. I assume it also charges the batteries and that is where the largest draw usually is so low batteries will make the converter run warmer when 110v power is available to it.