Moral of this story, or, to use a military reference, bottom line up front (BLUF):
Always check your stuff. Do not assume it will work. Even if it does work, do not assume that you will immediately understand how or why. Do not assume that a typical RTFM session will give you all the info you need.
Pardon me all to hell for expecting to see internal consistency, but hooking the Delta Pro to trailer solar on a cloudy winter day (sun 32 degrees above horizon but obscured) yielded confusing results. It kept oscillating between zero and fortysomething input watts, but indicating charging was still in progress even when the input was reading as zero. Design feature? Malfunction? We wasted a block of time trying to figure that out until my husband located an online reference indicating that it simply stops measuring and calculating below 40.
EcoFlow obviously doesn’t work from the same paradigm that we do as vanners who are used to minuscule systems. Forty watts can be a big deal if your cube freezer intermittently draws only 85. But those kinds of gains at the margins are of no consequence to someone attempting to run half a house off the thing.
Pic shows our utility trailer a few months ago, with today’s readouts.