Originally Posted by Sensfan
Thanks again. I just bought a LifePO4 12v 100a battery with a
12v 10a AC/DC charger. This year I'll restrict my charging to AC/DC while doing more research on how to charge it safely using the alternator.
Is that 10A at 12V or 120V? If the former, I suggest the following:
Buy a small pure sine wave inverter, connect it to you battery, and plug your charger into it. This will work fine. 10A@12VDC isn't going to hurt anything.
Although counterintuitive, a DC-AC-DC setup like this is a very good way to take off power from your vehicle. Slightly inefficient, but usually much cheaper than a DC-DC converter, and easier to get the proper charging profile. You just need to avoid using a charger that overtaxes the system. A charger with an adjustable charge rate is ideal.