Hello all - I was going to post this under "Places and Routes", but since that thread refers to places one has already been, I felt I should probably start this thread here.
Apologies if that is a miscue.
In mid-September, thanks to the quiet inspiration of so many of you, I'll finally be dipping my toes into the world of Class B camping. Thrilled. I say "dipping my toes", because "taking the plunge" would have involved the necessary purchase of a "B". Haven't gotten to that intersection. Yet. That's likely to happen over the Winter months (the process of convincing others - or might we say
"coercing others" - to do so could take a little time.)
This toe dipping will be a week long rental of a 2009 Great West Titan that we will be driving to
Scenic State Park in northern MN. We intend to visit the
George Washington National Forest and an intriguing stand of woods called
The Lost 40.
I'm sure there's plenty more to see and do in this neck of the woods (literally). Any ideas, suggestions, comments or caveats from those of you who've been?
Looking forward to the adventure - and your feedback.
Thanks for all the illumination and wisdom you've already passed along here.