Are there any regulations/restrictions regarding sleeping in these condo garages and/or sleeping inside a vehicle or RV parked therein?
You can't leave unattended pets and you can't use the garage to live in which I take it to not take up a permanent residence. You also can't store anything, vehicles, cars, boats, RVs, recreational equipment, etc. outside the units unattended. That's in my documents. People have certainly built in living quarters like dens, offices and lounges, rec rooms, especially with mezzanine structures and probably spend all day there. Some have gone to the expense of putting in bathrooms. I know from the open houses conducted. Whether anyone sleeps there overnight is unknown.
On my smallest of the units I don't have a man door so I would not plan to attempt it nor have a reason to do so, but I can use my RV while there and don't have to invest in amenities like bathrooms, kitchens, bars, or furniture to take naps and such.
When I come and go on trips I can park my van in my home driveway overnight to load and unload. That's kind of a signal to our neighbors of our coming and going in our RV.
I just got my tax statement for future taxes in 2020. Since 2017 when we bought it my assessed value has gone up 33% already. Those units have become desirable as I don't think any new units have been built in the western suburbs of the Twin Cities since. As I said before, that's good for my heirs as I don't intend to or have to sell it as long as I am able bodied, RV or not. However, for anyone with a different investment view, keep in mind there are annual taxes, common owner dues and maybe for some monthly principle & interest finance to pay, but all indications are appreciation will recover all expenses and investment whether you are in for the long gain or for a short time. That beats renting in my case.