Well..yet another batch of time spent on "finding" the right replacement. My TV signal booster burned out. I believe someone plugged in an aftermarket digital box which may have shorted it out - or the unit just failed. Either way, the red LED doesn't light. Most Rialtas have the Antenna cable (roof down to wall plate) and the campground cable (in back storage compartment for campground cable hookup). The plate supplied as original equipment had a 12V receptacle and cable outlet. The TV hooks up to the wall plate cable jack.
They don't make the wall plate exactly the same anymore. I bought an NOS replacement that looked the same but in the back there were only 2 jacks. (The middle jack was not on this model.) This meant that I could NOT hookup the campground cable connector. So...more research took me to the proper NEW plate.
It is only available in white. This plate (Winegard P/N: RA-7296) has the amplified circuit and 3 ports in the back and one cable port up front as well as the 12VDC (cigarette lighter) outlet. There is no longer a slide switch as in the older version. It is a pushbutton switch with a smaller LED. When you push the button (LED is lit) the roof antenna signal is boosted and the TV receives that signal. When you push the button to turn off the LED, it allows the TV to receive the campground signal - or is just off altogether.
They don't make the wall plate exactly the same anymore. I bought an NOS replacement that looked the same but in the back there were only 2 jacks. (The middle jack was not on this model.) This meant that I could NOT hookup the campground cable connector. So...more research took me to the proper NEW plate.
It is only available in white. This plate (Winegard P/N: RA-7296) has the amplified circuit and 3 ports in the back and one cable port up front as well as the 12VDC (cigarette lighter) outlet. There is no longer a slide switch as in the older version. It is a pushbutton switch with a smaller LED. When you push the button (LED is lit) the roof antenna signal is boosted and the TV receives that signal. When you push the button to turn off the LED, it allows the TV to receive the campground signal - or is just off altogether.