I am entering my second year trying to buy, with about 2 years prior to that researching them. I've seen many ads going back 7 to 8 eights years showing Roadtreks with lower mileage at resonable prices. The same Roadtrek is now about 50% higher in price with 3 times the mileage. Which in turn drives me into even older units which will end up costing more in the end due to more and more mantaince costs. It always turns out that I am just not quick enough, even though I check ads every day. Yesterday was my tipping point, where I lost out on 2 in one day. While talking with one seller I noticed a ad come up which I answered within minutes of it being posted, only to lose out even after saying I would buy it sight unseen. Just the fact that it would take me a few days to travel to pick one up is enough to end my chance. I do know that I have lost them to dealers, one for sure yesterday. Who then turn around and put a huge markup on them as is with no warranty. What tatic am I missing that would give me a chance?