Ticks entered van either though roof vent or reefer exhaust, My roof fan is missing the bug screen.dam just thinking about ticks gives me the itch.
The reefer exhaust vents are large enough for the tick to crawl though havent even tryed to turn on frieg yet.
Back in Destin 2nd trip.
During packing at home (AL)I swatted a tick on inside of windshield. Few days previous
I swatted a tick inside driveway door . they crawl though the door jam.
Yesterday 2nd tick already inside van took flight landed on driver window he got swatted to.
So if there’s 2 there’s proballey more. Not staying in van basically using it for daily transportion.
I assume these ticks hitched a ride from AL haven’t yet sean a tick in Destin, Pan handle of FL has plently of bitting flies & insects
But ticks carry lime disease.
I thought ticks seek out the skroton and bit an attach themselfs, I do what appears to be spider bites hope I don't have the deadly lime desease. Should I set off a roach bomb inside van? Please advice thanks
The reefer exhaust vents are large enough for the tick to crawl though havent even tryed to turn on frieg yet.
Back in Destin 2nd trip.
During packing at home (AL)I swatted a tick on inside of windshield. Few days previous
I swatted a tick inside driveway door . they crawl though the door jam.
Yesterday 2nd tick already inside van took flight landed on driver window he got swatted to.
So if there’s 2 there’s proballey more. Not staying in van basically using it for daily transportion.
I assume these ticks hitched a ride from AL haven’t yet sean a tick in Destin, Pan handle of FL has plently of bitting flies & insects
But ticks carry lime disease.
I thought ticks seek out the skroton and bit an attach themselfs, I do what appears to be spider bites hope I don't have the deadly lime desease. Should I set off a roach bomb inside van? Please advice thanks
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