I acquired a 1995 Roadtrek 190 Popular and have been fixing it up - it was all original and - at least towards the end - seemingly minimally maintained, but in overall generally good condition for age and usage.
Anyhoos, I was trying to replace the sewer hose that goes in the black tube under the driver's seat which besides looking old and worn also had no end to it. I've reviewed the several posts on here regarding the big blue (sewer) hose as well as on other sites. The ones I've found noted to be 3" are in the medium realm of strength (mil, etc.) based on what I found.
As a guy who plans for longevity, it appeared to be a sound idea to obtain one with significant strength (who wants to be splashed with that??), so purchased the Valterra Dominator hoses and cut one end off. However it's much too small diameter to slide over the black PVC pipe. I've even tried the trick to heat it up in water, add silicon grease, and that still doesn't get it over the end of the pipe.
I'm looking for best info on inside diameter of the various sewer hoses - or the strongest best value one that will fit. The Valterra is considered a 3" hose as is the Camco Rhino series.
Does anyone have info on best strength hose that will fit? Or perhaps a method to get PVC all the way to the end and then just use bayonet mounts from there beyond?
Thanks for any and all advice.
(Yes, this is my first post - so far I've been finding everything I've needed by searching this and other forums. Personally, I've got mechanical and electrical background; So far, I've upgraded from single batter to 2 6V batteries, added integrated surge/power protection, dual battery monitor, swapped out the magnetek charger/converter, replaced motor, switch, and damper in range hood, fixed the water heater, swapped to LED fixtures and added lighting, and more. I have indeed searched far and wide to get better info, but nothing seems to discuss actual diameter of hoses, rather using a "3-inch standard hose" designation. I'm also an internet professional, but willing to learn from the community which has already been very helpful in the above mentioned tasks.)
Anyhoos, I was trying to replace the sewer hose that goes in the black tube under the driver's seat which besides looking old and worn also had no end to it. I've reviewed the several posts on here regarding the big blue (sewer) hose as well as on other sites. The ones I've found noted to be 3" are in the medium realm of strength (mil, etc.) based on what I found.
As a guy who plans for longevity, it appeared to be a sound idea to obtain one with significant strength (who wants to be splashed with that??), so purchased the Valterra Dominator hoses and cut one end off. However it's much too small diameter to slide over the black PVC pipe. I've even tried the trick to heat it up in water, add silicon grease, and that still doesn't get it over the end of the pipe.
I'm looking for best info on inside diameter of the various sewer hoses - or the strongest best value one that will fit. The Valterra is considered a 3" hose as is the Camco Rhino series.
Does anyone have info on best strength hose that will fit? Or perhaps a method to get PVC all the way to the end and then just use bayonet mounts from there beyond?
Thanks for any and all advice.
(Yes, this is my first post - so far I've been finding everything I've needed by searching this and other forums. Personally, I've got mechanical and electrical background; So far, I've upgraded from single batter to 2 6V batteries, added integrated surge/power protection, dual battery monitor, swapped out the magnetek charger/converter, replaced motor, switch, and damper in range hood, fixed the water heater, swapped to LED fixtures and added lighting, and more. I have indeed searched far and wide to get better info, but nothing seems to discuss actual diameter of hoses, rather using a "3-inch standard hose" designation. I'm also an internet professional, but willing to learn from the community which has already been very helpful in the above mentioned tasks.)