I posted this on the RT International list but did not receive a helpful response.
Does anyone have experience with the connection between the Agile SS fresh water tanks? There is a small tank in the base of the passenger seat and a larger tank beneath the flooring. There is no valve between the tanks so the upper tanks fills and empties automatically through the lower tank. We have a slow leak that occurs when the upper tank is full and stops when the the upper tank is empty so I believe it's source is the connecting tubing or fittings. I'm not sure whether to try to access the connection through the base of the passenger seat or whether it's necessary to drop the lower tank to get to the connections area.
I'm hoping someone may have some experience with removing the front passanger seat and perhaps the seat base or inner tank. I don't see how to access the connection otherwise since I'd rather not drop the larger lower FW tank. I assume the connection tubing must pass through the Sprinter floor at some location and connect to either the top or side of the lower tank.
Thanks for your interest and any help you can provide.
Rich Faris
2015 RT Agile SS
Does anyone have experience with the connection between the Agile SS fresh water tanks? There is a small tank in the base of the passenger seat and a larger tank beneath the flooring. There is no valve between the tanks so the upper tanks fills and empties automatically through the lower tank. We have a slow leak that occurs when the upper tank is full and stops when the the upper tank is empty so I believe it's source is the connecting tubing or fittings. I'm not sure whether to try to access the connection through the base of the passenger seat or whether it's necessary to drop the lower tank to get to the connections area.
I'm hoping someone may have some experience with removing the front passanger seat and perhaps the seat base or inner tank. I don't see how to access the connection otherwise since I'd rather not drop the larger lower FW tank. I assume the connection tubing must pass through the Sprinter floor at some location and connect to either the top or side of the lower tank.
Thanks for your interest and any help you can provide.
Rich Faris
2015 RT Agile SS