Advanced Member
Can anybody provide overall feedback on the ProMaster 3500 20'9" Chassis with the 3.6l penstar gas engine? And more specifically the PW Lexor TS thsnk you, Dean
Can anybody provide overall feedback on the ProMaster 3500 20'9" Chassis with the 3.6l penstar gas engine? And more specifically the PW Lexor TS thsnk you, Dean
Winnebago Travato Owner here. (3500 extended Promaster, gas)
Most excellent vehicle I think I have EVER purchased. Handles like a mini van, super sharp turning radius, front wheel drive, quite ride, plenty of get up and go, excellent mileage, great visibility, excellent mirrors and back up camera...
Like it so much I am considering a shorter low roof model as a primary vehicle.
...Everything about it is first rate, except for the RAM-supplied OEM tires. They're just plain awful.
If you buy any Promaster-based RV, plan on spending a thou or so for a good set of Michelins or Bridgestones.
The OEM tires make staying in ones lane at highway speed a fatiguing challenge.