Senior Member
I suppose Pleasureway is addressing a much larger market segment than ARV and being conservative, may be an appealing strategy.
Van Williams
Van Williams
Pleasure-way has two concerns. First they have to price features competitively and second they have to kowtow to a dealer network. They aren't addressing a market segment. That's what ARV does since they are not encumbered with those two concerns. In other words the customer can get what they desire from ARV and some of those request can be pretty far out. ARV could also give you an apples to apples B to Pleasue-way albeit a significant quality and function upgrade, IMO, but Pleasure-way will stick close to amenity offerings Winnebago, Airstream and others deliver to dealers because those customers shop price first and amenities second. Roadtrek probably pushed their big toe into the lithium ion pond but they are not going to jump all in until dealers get comfortable and customers start demanding it. Personally lithium ion might be a waste of money unless you invest in at least 400ah which completely changes how you use your B.
If you find out who makes the Eco-Ion and what a compatible replacement would be, please let us know.Does anyone know who makes these for pleasure way?
i know its an old original post but it gives me less to explain-lol
Is this system only in the coach, or can you buy parts and install diy?
I currently have a new battle born battery and Xantrex 2000 inverter in a pop up truck camper I am trying to sell. Not getting many responsives because the price is reflecting all the up grades we have done. So am considering selling without those and use them for my B. Cannot find RV electricians in my area and am concerned about my DIY ability. Does anyone know the average cost to have a professional do it?