the more units you can see, new or used, any brand- the more you can discern which features you like/need and which don't matter or are an unneeded expense.
ex: for us a power sofa bed appears to be a tetris of cushions to make a bed, there is also the matter of what if it gets stuck and no storage underneath- others LOVE their sofa and it may add legal seated positions
for build quality, lift the cushions and look at the back of cabinets- does it look pro or is it a mess
we learned something from every one of the units we looked at, when we found "the right one" we knew right away
also watch sales videos on youtube as features are explained/demonstrated- watch how easily (or not) the salesperson moves around the cabin
some of the premier brands are Canadian built, manufacturers warranty is handled through dealers just like anything else.
Canadians use Robertson ( square, tapered) head screws for cabinetry and electrical, if you buy you'll want an R1, R2 screwdriver
We have a 2006 PW Lexor on a Chev.
I have no complaints about the quality of the build or the systems electrics, plumbing, gas etc.
an older model we have propane, dc power and ac power with genny ( never used it) or shore power
managing our power and water we are good for 5 or 6 days off grid
we carry about a weeks clothing and food
and if camping remote, plan on going into town for food, laundry and water/dump tanks at least once a week
we had a choice of gas/diesel, domestic or imported vans
a domestic gas van means parts and service anywhere by anyone with parts from NAPA
length: some longer vans run afoul of local parking regs-
for Santa Monica it is 20' and 8' tall otherwise you need a permit, available to residents.
we are 19'7" when we go to see family. nobody has ever measured ( 9'4" highest, but 8' at the edges) our height
a short van ( many of the 4wd) will have less room inside
go kick some tires