Were you actually asked to move along, or did you just see signage in the parking lots you used
to frequent? Often the signs are posted to keep the property owner from being prosecuted. In
some Canadian cities bylaws are passed prohibiting overnight parking, but they tend to fine the
property owners, not the actual offenders. By posting "no overnight parking" signs, Walmart for
example, can say, "we're trying to comply, we've posted signs warning people about no overnight
parking" to avoid prosecution.
If you decide to park somewhere that provides automotive or RV service, like a Walmart (oil
changes, tire service, for example) you could be waiting for them to open in the morning, to get
some sort of repairs or service. If it's a place that provides food or drink, you might be waiting for
it to open in the morning. Usually, the worst that could happen might be you'd be asked to move.
There may be other legitimate reasons to stop long enough to catch a nap, if that's what you're
after. I'd probably take the chance no one will bother me, if I'm tired after a long day. Truck
stops are often exempted, or post signs for the same deniability because truckers are required
to get regular down time.