This sounds like a great find. Thanks for finding it and posting it.
Unfortunately, the web site isn't very informative, so you would have to accept their "invitation" (demand?) for a personal consultation. By doing so, you could find out about such things as
o Minimum order quantity
o Stiffness - forming a bag seal requires rather tight bends
o Flexibility - once formed, a bag seal has to be readily compressible (squishable)
o Details of the heat-welding technique, and the possibility of other bonding methods
o Surface roughness - the bag seals rub on the paint as the trailer is opened and closed
o And of course, cost in small quantities
Peterbug, if you have any info on any of these parameters, we would love to hear it. Or if anyone here is near their US office in Hillside, NJ (a bit south of Newark), perhaps a quick visit would be fruitful.
I wonder what the factory is currently using for bag seals? Most likely the off-brand CSM material. While it is not a perfect solution, the advantage to us owners is that the factory buys reasonably large quantities, and is willing to sell us small quantities.