My psi on the front tires are set at 50 and rear are 80, as recommended on the door sticker. But hey, where is the tire monitor? I am supposed to have one, but where? I have a great RV mechanic nearby who is working with me on some issues and he suggested that it was supposed to show up on the odometer.
My Ranger is fine on a straight and level road. When looking, I test drove the 170 Versatile, also, and the Ranger was easier to handle. But still, I had no problems until the 4 hour drive home, after purchase. I was determined to get used to it, so drove it everywhere. Finally, I asked a neighbor, who is a pilot and owns a Holiday Rambler, to take it for a drive so I could get his opinion. A half hour later, he pulled into my driveway, got out and tossed me the keys and said "No way I could drive that for more than a few hours". He said it was too hard to keep on the road, which has been my problem. I have run onto the shoulder twice and cannot recall that ever happening before, when driving (Saabs & Volvos for 20 yrs).
I will ask Tom (RV mechanic) about the sway bar. Was that put on by Roadtrek or Chevy? I did drive it over to the main Chevy dealership, and one of the guys that up-fits these cargo vans for construction crews came out and said there was a rear end sag and, after looking around inside, said it needed to be on a heavier chassis.
If Chevy installs the sway bar, I can take it back over and have them check it. The problem is, that without a manual, there is no way to know what is on the van. I only know what Roadtrek published as specs. But the specs for the Ranger say that the OCC is 1700 lbs and I don't agree with that, seeing that all storage is over the rear axle and only 2 X 156 lbs allowed for 2 occupants. I just tried to copy and paste Roadtrek's OCC specs for all models. I will review the forum instructions and post them later, because I am interested in how much weight could be added, because my door sticker says only 1396 lbs. Maybe I got one of the first ones off the assembly line and improvements were made later.
I actually do have one of the first iMacs. The screen outline and keyboard were changed before they went on the market. But those were design/color issues, nothing to do with the way it worked. I am keeping it around, just in case.
Sorry for the long post. I am just glad to have found some other Ranger owners. I didn't like all the carpeting and wall suede on the fancy 170s, and would have paid more for the linoleum/hardwood floor and rubber mats on the Ranger. I think they have it backwards. Now, I am learning that the larger Sprinter models have better drive performance. My neighbor says driving his 40 foot Rambler is a breeze. Who knew?
But I am learning...