Hello all. Just coming from a large dp and downsizing to a unit we will hopefully use a lot more.
Our main use will be just for travel to and from and occasionally to camp.
We have narrowed down our choices to the Winnebago era and airstream interstate.
Budget wise we are hoping to be at 60 but may go up a bit for the right deal.
Right now we have identified a 2014 era that fits our needs and a 2010 Airstream.
Would you go with the newer bus that is arguably a lower build quality or the older higher quality unit.?
Give me the pros and cons of each of you don’t mind. I have spent hours researching and just need a little outside direction to help my decision.
Thanks in advance
Our main use will be just for travel to and from and occasionally to camp.
We have narrowed down our choices to the Winnebago era and airstream interstate.
Budget wise we are hoping to be at 60 but may go up a bit for the right deal.
Right now we have identified a 2014 era that fits our needs and a 2010 Airstream.
Would you go with the newer bus that is arguably a lower build quality or the older higher quality unit.?
Give me the pros and cons of each of you don’t mind. I have spent hours researching and just need a little outside direction to help my decision.
Thanks in advance