For about ten years I've used GPS programs on a laptop, primarily because I prefer a large, easy-to-read screen. Much more pleasant to use while driving than the small screens on phones and handheld devices. Used Waze on the phone once. No thanks.
In the car, I velcro the laptop to a stand which I bolted to the floor within easy reach. In the Travato, I just lay it on the passenger seat. Requires a bit of head turning, but it quickly becomes second nature. I don't travel with a passenger. You have to add a separate USB GPS receiver which you can just lay on the dash. I use the popular GlobalSat BU-353-S4.
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For the GPS program, I first used a Garmin product which is no longer available.
Next used Delorme Street Atlas. It's feature-rich, and some folks swear by it, but I found the maps and other stuff on the screen to be too "busy." The maps were often inaccurate, and the GPS routing could be maddeningly illogical. Was glad to finally get rid of it.
Currently using Copilot Live v8 for Laptop. Really like it. The best yet. Easy to use, visually appealing maps, plenty of useful features but not too much to fiddle with, logical routing. Works great with a touchscreen laptop and Windows 8.1.
Still prefer paper maps for studying the route ahead of time. Benchmark's state atlases are my go-to maps, especially for getting off the beaten path.