My water and air heating system is composed of:
1. EasyStart Timer
2. External temperature sensor
3. Espar Airtronics D2
4. Espar Hydronic D5
Control of D5 works great. Have problem with setting Easy Start Timer’s set point from the get-go. Yesterday decided to do some troubleshooting.
I previously used Espar Digi-Max with internal sensor and had no issues. I changed it to the EasyStart Timer to control D2 and D5. EasyStart Timer’s display shows ambient temperature correctly. It controls temperature correctly if set point temperature is set 11 degree below desired ambient temperature. I replaced the external temperature probe, no change. I am using D2 by programming the set point 11 degree below desired point.
My theory is:
1. The EasyStart Timer has programmable offset somewhere in its nightmarish program
2. The EasyStart Timer is using the Espar D2 internal sensor for temperature control
3. The EasyStart Timer is Kaput.
I know Espar is not commonly use so my reach for help could be a long shot.
1. EasyStart Timer
2. External temperature sensor
3. Espar Airtronics D2
4. Espar Hydronic D5
Control of D5 works great. Have problem with setting Easy Start Timer’s set point from the get-go. Yesterday decided to do some troubleshooting.
I previously used Espar Digi-Max with internal sensor and had no issues. I changed it to the EasyStart Timer to control D2 and D5. EasyStart Timer’s display shows ambient temperature correctly. It controls temperature correctly if set point temperature is set 11 degree below desired ambient temperature. I replaced the external temperature probe, no change. I am using D2 by programming the set point 11 degree below desired point.
My theory is:
1. The EasyStart Timer has programmable offset somewhere in its nightmarish program
2. The EasyStart Timer is using the Espar D2 internal sensor for temperature control
3. The EasyStart Timer is Kaput.
I know Espar is not commonly use so my reach for help could be a long shot.