I like to keep my 1999 Dodge RT 170 in second gear on long downhills to spare the brakes. Does anyone know if there is a maximum recommended speed to avoid damaging the transmission? It has a transmission oil cooler so perhaps that is relevant.
I like to keep my 1999 Dodge RT 170 in second gear on long downhills to spare the brakes. Does anyone know if there is a maximum recommended speed to avoid damaging the transmission? It has a transmission oil cooler so perhaps that is relevant.
Class b vans are very heavy compared to the way most are used and need the best pads you can find, IMO.
I am going to go ahead and put in a new set of pads. Any suggestions of what the best pads would be for a 1999 Dodge Ram Van 2500?
Also, is there any value in slotted/drilled rotors in this case?
I have a 97 Dodge RT 170.
While going on steep downhill , I turn the O/D off.
Brake pads are cheaper than transmission ou engine damage.
In a certain speed,the fact that you select second gear on your transmission will absolutely do nothing on your speed. The engine will overrev ,lot of noise and deterrioration . I have some experience with class B on hight hill and sometime it scare me to hell.
Apparently the owner's manual says maxi 45mph for second gear.
In a certain speed,the fact that you select second gear on your transmission will absolutely do nothing on your speed. The engine will over-rev.
A high end semi-metallic pad that is rated "severe or police" is best for heavy trucks.