Slide outs are wonderful until they quit working or quit aligning properly. They they cost lots of big dollars!
I always hated this argument.
yes, when a slideout goes wrong, it can go very wrong... but to not have one in a Class B would mean pooping in your shower or eating all your meals sitting on your bed/sofa/table thing, having limited storage, and a cramped RV... and that would be the case EVERY DAY you were in the rig.
I'm 6'6", and just the high side of 300lbs. My wife and I can sleep in bed together, I can shower, and we don't have to worry about our TP getting wet. We have enough storage space for WAY more food and clothes than would be required for a weekend of camping... and all because of a single small slideout.
having driven the SS, the 170C, and the 170M, AND more than a few B+ rigs, I can also assert that the slide-out B classes drive better. They climb hills better, they maneuver better.
all because we have a slideout.
Everything made by man will fail... but that doesn't mean we should do without because of fear!