Advanced Member
Has anybody had to replace a p-trap in an older RoadTrek? One of the threaded connectors broke off my shower's p-trap (1999 RT 190 Versatile). No big deal, I thought, I'll just run down to Home Depot and pick up a replacement. WRONG!
I haven't been able to find anything like this p-trap anywhere--Home Depot, Lowe's, local RV store, Amazon, Google search... Everything has the male/female threads reversed from what this fitting is (it's got a female threaded hub on one end and a female slip joint on the other side of the p-trap with a threaded hub glued in). I found one on Amazon that looked promising, but it turned out to be threaded for 1-1/2" pipe and mine is 1-1/4". I can't even use an adapter and make the p-trap go a couple inches lower, because it sits right above the gas tank and there's no room.
I can't imagine that this was a custom fitting made by RoadTrek, but I've had zero luck finding a replacement. I'm getting desperate enough that I'm considering buying a reamer, reaming out the end with the broken hub, and gluing in a new hub--except I can't find a 1-1/4" reamer either!
Anybody had to replace one of these? Any idea where I can find one? Should I give up, pack the male threads with silicone, and clamp on a rubber Fernco p-trap (assuming I can find one that will fit)?
I haven't been able to find anything like this p-trap anywhere--Home Depot, Lowe's, local RV store, Amazon, Google search... Everything has the male/female threads reversed from what this fitting is (it's got a female threaded hub on one end and a female slip joint on the other side of the p-trap with a threaded hub glued in). I found one on Amazon that looked promising, but it turned out to be threaded for 1-1/2" pipe and mine is 1-1/4". I can't even use an adapter and make the p-trap go a couple inches lower, because it sits right above the gas tank and there's no room.
I can't imagine that this was a custom fitting made by RoadTrek, but I've had zero luck finding a replacement. I'm getting desperate enough that I'm considering buying a reamer, reaming out the end with the broken hub, and gluing in a new hub--except I can't find a 1-1/4" reamer either!
Anybody had to replace one of these? Any idea where I can find one? Should I give up, pack the male threads with silicone, and clamp on a rubber Fernco p-trap (assuming I can find one that will fit)?