DISCLAIMER: The following design has never been tested and I hope it never will be. Therefore, it may or may not inhibit damage to the TM from a tire blowout. In fact, it's possible that it might increase the level of damage (one never knows without extensive testing). In any event, each individual needs to review the design and make their own decision. For me, I feel the design is based on the sound principle of energy-absorbing crumple zones. I also wanted the design to be lightweight.
To create the Blowout-Absorbing Mud Flap (BAM), I purchased the following items:
One eight-foot long aluminum square tubing (the sides are one inch)
One 2 x 1 foot flat piece of diamond-plated aluminum
Sixteen galvanized bolts, nuts, and lock washers
Thirty two small and sixteen large galvanized washers (all purchased at Lowes)
One large heavy-duty truck mud flap (auto-parts store)
To make a set of BAMs:
Cut the eight-foot aluminum square tubing into eight one foot long sections.
Cut the flat piece of diamond plate into two one foot square sections.
Cut the truck mud flap to fit the diamond plate with an ample amount hanging down from the bottom of the diamond plate (see pictures)
Each BAM is assembled using four square sections of tubing (one foot long) and bolted to the mud flap, TM frame, and diamond plate using the hardware (see pictures)
You now have a set of mud flaps that should absorb a fair amount of energy if the tire blows. In theory, the aluminum square tubes/diamond plate will crumple and the washers will rip through the rubber to dissipate a significant amount of the energy. In mean the time, they will help to keep the TM clean. Well, that's the theory anyway.
To create the Blowout-Absorbing Mud Flap (BAM), I purchased the following items:
One eight-foot long aluminum square tubing (the sides are one inch)
One 2 x 1 foot flat piece of diamond-plated aluminum
Sixteen galvanized bolts, nuts, and lock washers
Thirty two small and sixteen large galvanized washers (all purchased at Lowes)
One large heavy-duty truck mud flap (auto-parts store)
To make a set of BAMs:
Cut the eight-foot aluminum square tubing into eight one foot long sections.
Cut the flat piece of diamond plate into two one foot square sections.
Cut the truck mud flap to fit the diamond plate with an ample amount hanging down from the bottom of the diamond plate (see pictures)
Each BAM is assembled using four square sections of tubing (one foot long) and bolted to the mud flap, TM frame, and diamond plate using the hardware (see pictures)
You now have a set of mud flaps that should absorb a fair amount of energy if the tire blows. In theory, the aluminum square tubes/diamond plate will crumple and the washers will rip through the rubber to dissipate a significant amount of the energy. In mean the time, they will help to keep the TM clean. Well, that's the theory anyway.
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