Reading through different forums I came across the Roadmaster Exact Center for Wranglers. The part that specifically caught my eye was that it helps the toad track straighter and actually lets you back up some as it doesn't allow the toad front wheels to turn easily. I haven't wanted one on the...
The Players:
2000 Winnebago Journey WKP36L
2019 Chevy Traverse AWD
Roadmaster Falcon All Terrain Non-Binding Tow Bar
Roadmaster InvisiBrake Auxiliary Braking System
ME 52 y.o., 147lb, male DV w/ above average mech skills
I did it and I did it successfully with no post install failures. I...
Hello all,
I've been towing travel trailers for about 10 years now, I have never had to upgrade the rear of my truck before but am considering it now, I've recently purchased a longer heaver travel trailer still within the half ton towing realm.(2021 jay feather 24bh) my old trailer actually...
Hi folks,
Recently bought a 2014 Jayco Greyhawk 31ds. Plus I bought a 2011 Honda Fit for my toad. I travel as a single woman and wanted an easy and safe towbar setup. I went with everything Roadmaster:
-Baseplate for the Honda
-Roadmaster Sterling All Terrain towbar
-Roadmaster Invisibrake...
Starting small.
Leveling bubbles where I can see them from the
Level-Up control panel. I very rarely use
the automatic feature as it raises the coach too
high. I find manual mode to be much easier.
I did level the coach using a carpenters level and
reset the “Zero Point” on the Level-Up.
2013 MODEL
Located in NorCal
Reduced to $895
4250 Lb. Capacity
Has Optional Spare Tire and Mount
Has Optional Swivel Mount Jack (for easy moving)
Electric Brakes
Widest Capacity - 77" Tread Width (Minimum 34")
Swivel Deck & Slidable ‘Easy-load’ Ramps
2 Sets of Adjustable Tire Straps (Stock and...
I All I can say is WOW......
Roadmaser E450 Front Sway Bar upgrade What a great product. I installed the 1139-176 Front sway bar 1 3/8 diameter on my 2015 31DS and what a difference the drive is now.
If you are thinking about this upgrade do it as soon as you can. The install was very easy...