I decided I had procrastinated as long as I could. Having never installed Peel & Stick roofing I was a little intimidated and kept finding other things to do. But the time had come. (Maybe it was the mild temps the last week or so, but it seemed like spring, then summer, would be upon me before I realized it.)
So, a few days ago I started prepping the roof. Mainly I had to brush it good, seems some dust settled up there while I was preoccupied.
I cut a 6” strip off of one of the 36” x 33’ rolls and marked on the roof where the 3 strips will be laid. I scratched my head, and checked the marks I had made again. Three passes wasn’t going to work for me. Since I had to come down over the side of the roof to cover the radius, and another inch or two to be sandwiched under the drip edge, I was only going to have about 1” of overlap on top. The box instructions stated a minimum of 3” overlap.
So, I thought about what options I had and decided to go with a 9” strip on each side to cover the radius and onto the roof. The next two strips of 36” and then the final strip down the middle centered. Granted the center strip overlapped the other two by 4-5” on each side, but I feel a lot better about that compared to a 1” overlap.
What was surprising to me and the DW was that the 9” pieces took about 30 minutes to install. The 3 wide roof pieces took a total of 60 minutes. (Much easier than I anticipated.)
The key for us was for me to roll it out, pull the backing paper off as I unrolled, and for the DW to pressure roll after I had it lined up with my marks, As long as I kept it lined up and straight, and then unroll only about 4’ at a time. I kept it relatively straight, and the DW rolled it flat. Before she rolled it, I could lift up on the roll and reposition it slightly if needed. But once rolled, it was stuck.
Once a full sheet was completely laid out, then I took the roller and put some serious weight on it.
I did end up with a cross seam 1/3rd the from the rear, since I only bought 2 rolls and made do with that. We overlapped the cross seam about 10” and plan on having a solar panel also coving that area. I think it will be quite water proof.