We had the gas leak problem with our 2003 Roadtrek 190 versatile. Paid thousands to install 2 new gasoline tanks, but both developed leaks a few hundred miles down the road. Finally, a good mechanic shop diagnosed the problem as a design flaw by Roadtrek that puts too much stress on the...
Yaay! Problem solved!
Thank you Gregmchugh and Sprinter guy! The problem involved a wall switch that needed to be on AND the plunger switch that needed to be freed. Thanks to you, we have a Fantastic Fan again!
Hello. I thought we should ask for some expert advice before replacing an RV vent fan. looking for some helpful advice from you experts. Formerly we owned a Roadtrek with a Fantastic Fan that we felt lived up to its name. We installed a window version fan from the makers of Fantastic Fan in our...
Have you considered a Sportsmobile Penthouse pop-top? 7 + feet of headroom. Works for us, and fits in our medium-high shop door when compacted. Ours is on a Promaster chassiz. No need to purchase a high-roof van if you're adding the penthouse.
Thanks so much, everyone, for the many replies and great advice! We have decided to do the trip as planned next month. I'll report on how it went afterwards.
Sportsmobile installed penthouse and 3 windows into our new cargo van. We (husband and wife) insulated and built the rest.
2017-RAM Promaster-1500 with Sportsmobile Penthouse-18 ft
Sportsmobile installed penthouse and 3 windows into our new cargo van. We (husband and wife) insulated and built the rest.
2017-RAM Promaster-1500 with Sportsmobile Penthouse-18 ft
Sportsmobile installed penthouse and 3 windows into our new cargo van. We (husband and wife) insulated and built the rest.
2017-RAM Promaster-1500 with Sportsmobile Penthouse-18 ft
Thanks for the input, Avanti and Booster. I won't cancel our reservations yet. You are right about the weekends being the most worrisome. We are used to avoiding crowded days and times with our activities in Branson, and will continue to go out during the less busy periods. I haven't figured...