I am haunted by the ghosts of a few past mutts. A couple of them found me at a time that probably saved my life. I think about them every day. I now have a couple of cast-off sweethearts Go with me everywhere they are allowed. Go in peace, friend.
I kinda think you are right. I have a 2013 Chevy pickup with 325 CU (5.3L) engine. I have an Everstart Maxx battery from Mr. Walton's Evil Empire. 900 cranking amps at 32°F. 730 CCA at 0°F. I don't remember the label on the original Delco battery, lo, these many years ago. I am on the 3rd...
Your rust doesn't look bad at all. I suggest that you start a new thread in the "New Member Intros-Say Hello!" category and get some good advice from folks who have repaired rust much worse than yours. Post your pics there once you have enough posts. I think you need to make 5 posts first. You...