My regular parts store showed me some stuff that is awesome for plastic, apparently fixes solid as new for stuff like plastic bumpers etc. I can't remember the name but will find out for you.
If you have time for a good read.....Read Handybob's blog on solar power for RV's, when done you will KNOW what you need to do. Just type in Handybob in Google and you will find it. I did my installation using his suggestions and it works perfectly.I have 300 watts on my B and 250 watts on my...
The funniest one I had was while on vacation last year....had the Van and Trailer in BC and I was waiting in the Van while the wife and kids were getting groceries...I saw this couple sitting in their car and they were pointing at the Van and I could have sworn I heard the man say...."That guy...
Depending on the age of the RV....I DIY all of mine because it's a 1986, something more hi-tech I would consider a mechanic, depending on what needs doing.