Hello gentlemen! I would like to build a custom van with 4 x 4 capability. The only two I am considering is the Ford transit or MB sprinter. I have no idea if the Ford transit is built as well as the sprinter. I read somewhere where the Ford transit in Europe is considered a throwaway van. Does anyone have any experience with the Ford transit? It would seem the Ford would be much easier and definitely cheaper to have serviced while traveling. The Ford transit would be about 20 K cheaper on the front end. However this would be a van I would probably keep for at least 10 years so I don’t mind spending a little more to have a better product for the long-haul. I’m going to build it out similar to the Travato I have now. A full wet bath, kitchen etc. I want it a bit more catered to outdoor activities for off the grid rather than RV parks. I’ll keep my 2019 Travato until my custom is complete. I do love the Travato! Drives great and have had no issues for 20K miles. But it’s not a 4x4 and more catered to RV parks. Figure it’ll take a year to complete the project. Thoughts?