Re: Traveling with cats in a camper van
I have travelled with two cats, camping in a tent (before the RV days). For their safety and your sanity, a travel crate is a must, and a place for the litter box (someone on this site put the litter box under the bed in the 'basement' storage area) but this depends on your rig. The enjoyment for all, depends on the cats as some are more high strung than others. A stressed cat will urinate, throw-up and an hour or so of non stop meowing. The alternative is to give the correct dosage of tranquilizer to keep them calm but not knock them out completely. Some animals are disturbed by the road noise, engine and wheels on pavement.
If your cats are escape artists then a harness with leash may prevent unexpected escapes. I spent over an hour once retrieveing my cat from a highly wooded campground. Thankfully, she didn't get eaten, beaten by other woodland creatures (squirrels are thugs) or permanetly lost. I can't tell you the unhelpful comments that came from on-lookers. I think you'll know in a few days if you'll be travelling with them again. Plan a short trip and see if they make the RV their new home away form home.