Every year people find their way down along the southern states to warm their feet in the sands. Well, not so completely. Having lived in almost every southern State and being a longtime RV'er, it's fun to watch the RV Parks overgrow their capacity for available RV parking spaces. While in both California, Arizona you will not so much see RV Parks fill up but the desert areas with Boondockers in large numbers. Texas, LA and Georgia, and Florida, I have seen time and time again the seasonal tides grow larger each year.
How all it seems to begin here in the Southern States. RV Park reservations are made well in advance as neighbors share with neighbors RV Park locations and possible availabilities. Then follow the RV searchers as I call them. My heart always seems to go out of the way for these folks trying to find their RV Space as if birds shopping for that one tree space to build a nest close to food and water sources. For us, humans in search of good Sunlight, a comfortable place to rest our bones, near some active senior locations. With every person you talk with, each has their wanted recreational activity. (Maybe here I should ask what is yours?)
I have a few friends who still have there must have class As and a growing list of others to Class B lifestyle. Here that may or may not have a House/Condominium to stay the season. While using that Class B to save on rest stops while traveling, privacy, baggage, and transportation to local restaurants and outdoor activities. Say, the next time you are close to a tourist area for Seniors check out the number of Class B Camper VANS in the parking areas. Now with this virus soon in our rearview, I pray and hope to see more Class B camper vans growing in numbers, as people still want to do what they were doing but with a little more safety. What do you think?
How all it seems to begin here in the Southern States. RV Park reservations are made well in advance as neighbors share with neighbors RV Park locations and possible availabilities. Then follow the RV searchers as I call them. My heart always seems to go out of the way for these folks trying to find their RV Space as if birds shopping for that one tree space to build a nest close to food and water sources. For us, humans in search of good Sunlight, a comfortable place to rest our bones, near some active senior locations. With every person you talk with, each has their wanted recreational activity. (Maybe here I should ask what is yours?)
I have a few friends who still have there must have class As and a growing list of others to Class B lifestyle. Here that may or may not have a House/Condominium to stay the season. While using that Class B to save on rest stops while traveling, privacy, baggage, and transportation to local restaurants and outdoor activities. Say, the next time you are close to a tourist area for Seniors check out the number of Class B Camper VANS in the parking areas. Now with this virus soon in our rearview, I pray and hope to see more Class B camper vans growing in numbers, as people still want to do what they were doing but with a little more safety. What do you think?
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