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Can the Scan Gauge II read the transmission temperature of the 4sp transmission on the 2003 Chevy chassis?
Can the Scan Gauge II read the transmission temperature of the 4sp transmission on the 2003 Chevy chassis?
Transmission optimum temperature is 175 degrees F. Most of the heat that reduces transmission life span is created in the torque converter when the fluid changes direction. If the torque converter is not in lockup, it is slipping and creating maximum heat. Most transmission cooling lines are around 5/16". The torque converter is the transmission fluid pump. Additional transmission coolers can help but a separate transmission cooling system pumping from and back to the sump is the most effective way to prevent overheating of the transmission in extreme conditions. If you have a transmission temperature gauge installed in your vehicle, you can observe the ease of overheating a transmission. From a full stop, just do three jackrabbit starts. That means put the pedal down and go through all your gears as fast as you can and then come to a full stop. Do this three times and you will observe your transmission temperature will spike past 250 degrees F. Then drive normal and observe the transmission temperature. It will take a long time for the factory transmission cooling system to reduce the heat to a desirable temperature. The cooling lines are small and the cooling system is just not designed for extreme conditions such as the test I just mentioned. Automatic transmissions just make lots of heat which is your enemy. If you really want to protect your transmission from heat, a auxiliary cooling system is your best route. You need to move more fluid through larger hoses and cooler than stock.
I looked at Scan Gauge and in the end went with the OBDFusion app on my iPhone and a OBDII dongle. the costing was about 1/2 and I have much more available- I've dedicated an old iphone to this task and use it in my various vehicles incl 2005 Chev 3500 chassis
I usually monitor:
Engine Temp
Fuel rate
Battery volts
O2 sensors 1 & 2
Trans fluid temp
Engine oil temp
Engine oil pressure
I can also read/reset codes
I looked at Scan Gauge and in the end went with the OBDFusion app on my iPhone and a OBDII dongle.