Originally Posted by pasusan
Can anyone tell me if tow/haul mode would help? I thought I read somewhere that if you put it in tow/haul then the converter locks up which would help with the overheating problem.
I am pretty sure I posted the shiftpoint and lockup tables for tow/haul mode in the Chevies back in the programming thread.
For the most part the tow/haul mode raised the shift point speeds and actually delayed the lockup also, so would in some conditions probably make the overheating worse.
It appears the heat was not a consideration in the programming, just available power to move the van faster or to accelerate better when towing of fully loaded. When the converter is locked you lose the torque multiplication factor of the converter and rpm drops so the engine makes less hp and that is a double hit to available power to the wheels.
The six speed transmissions are able to lock up more of the time as they have more gears available to keep the rpm up at various speeds for the power to still make the van move well with a locked converter. Those vans also have more powerful variable valve timing engine that gets most of the gains at higher rpm, so well suited to go with the 6 speed.
In reprogramming the lockup on our 4 speed I missed the guess on how slow a speed it could go in second gear up a steep mountain, winding, road. When I slowed for curves during the climb, it did not unlock and wouldn't pull at the lower speed and we pretty much had to slow down more to get it to downshift or unlock. It took some experimenting to find the right balance of power available vs climbing speed to get it right.