Not too familiar with that model and year. Have you googled that make/model/year and added "problems"
"recalls" "reviews" or "pros cons"? Sometimes you'll get some hits with hints as to what to expect.
What chassis is it on? Who built the van part? GM, Ford, or Chrysler? You could try going to a dealer
and ask them about what sort of problems you might expect for a van of that model and year.
Generally speaking, if you can get a third opinion from a trusted mechanic, or take the
vehicle to a dealer for an inspection (GM dealer for a GM chassis, Chrysler dealer for a Dodge chassis, etc.)
before you buy it, that would be your best bet. If the seller seems hesitant or reluctant to let you,
that might be a red flag.
We didn't do it, but we bought ours with really low mileage, and we just trusted the sellers to be honest about the
condition of the mechanicals and the frequency of the routine maintenance. I looked through the service
records they had, and was satisfied.
It turned out to be a good decision, as we haven't had any problems we could blame on abuse or other
maintenance related issues.
If you want to try pricing them, here's a link to 1997 Coach House 194RS at NADA.
Just plug in what you know and it'll tell you what sort of prices you should expect. ... 2200004152