Round Two of an Intro. The Forum software blew up and lost a rather long intro. Remind me to copy it this time in case it happens again.
We currently travel in a Dodge Grand Caravan which holds two people, two dogs, two ARB car freezers, 3 kitchen boxes, 4 dog crates (two for show site and two for motel), crates pads and covers, 3 folding chairs, 3 large suitcases, 1 cpap, a mobility scooter, and sometimes, three rat cages with 15 rats.
We have a standard longhaired Dachshund who is working on his AKC Grand Championship and his Barn Hunt Rat Champion Excellent.
We also have a findling Beagle (she found us!) who has her Novice title in Barn Hunt. In Open, her score is currently Babette Beagle, .5, Open Rats, 39.5. She'd rather smell Smells than indicate rats.
It gets tiring to load the car, drive the car, unload the car, night after night. So we're looking at an RV.
My preference is for a B+ because I really don't want to drive a monster rig.
No B or B+ is going to have a refrigerator large enough to handle my food allergies and the dogs' raw diet. Neither will a B or B+ have the room for our two ARB car freezers, but I think we can get around that with a rear-mounting cargo platform, and an ARB weatherproof freezer. Here.
The kitchen should hold the contents of our kitchen boxes, and the other storage the contents of the three suitcases.
The over-passenger storage area should hold the rat cages if they travel with us (ie, a trip of more than five days), but I'll have to figure out how to hold them in place with something other than cargo netting. The Rattie Girls (also known as Barn Hunt Training Associates) would chew through netting if it touches their cages.
I did get to an RV show and saw an Airstream and a Road Trek.
Wasn't over impressed with Road Trek.
Liked the Airstream -- it MIGHT have room in the back for my mobility scooter, the dog crates and the chairs.
No dealer within a hundred miles has the Pleasureway I have admired on video, the Pleasureway Plateau XLTD. So I can't crawl around one with a tape measure to figure out if everything will fit.
I like the PW Plateau FL, but I can't figure out where to put crates, chairs, and mobility scooter.
Anyway, that's where we're at. Any suggestions for other models that might work, or how to fit everything in appreciated.
We currently travel in a Dodge Grand Caravan which holds two people, two dogs, two ARB car freezers, 3 kitchen boxes, 4 dog crates (two for show site and two for motel), crates pads and covers, 3 folding chairs, 3 large suitcases, 1 cpap, a mobility scooter, and sometimes, three rat cages with 15 rats.
We have a standard longhaired Dachshund who is working on his AKC Grand Championship and his Barn Hunt Rat Champion Excellent.
We also have a findling Beagle (she found us!) who has her Novice title in Barn Hunt. In Open, her score is currently Babette Beagle, .5, Open Rats, 39.5. She'd rather smell Smells than indicate rats.
It gets tiring to load the car, drive the car, unload the car, night after night. So we're looking at an RV.
My preference is for a B+ because I really don't want to drive a monster rig.
No B or B+ is going to have a refrigerator large enough to handle my food allergies and the dogs' raw diet. Neither will a B or B+ have the room for our two ARB car freezers, but I think we can get around that with a rear-mounting cargo platform, and an ARB weatherproof freezer. Here.
The kitchen should hold the contents of our kitchen boxes, and the other storage the contents of the three suitcases.
The over-passenger storage area should hold the rat cages if they travel with us (ie, a trip of more than five days), but I'll have to figure out how to hold them in place with something other than cargo netting. The Rattie Girls (also known as Barn Hunt Training Associates) would chew through netting if it touches their cages.
I did get to an RV show and saw an Airstream and a Road Trek.
Wasn't over impressed with Road Trek.
Liked the Airstream -- it MIGHT have room in the back for my mobility scooter, the dog crates and the chairs.
No dealer within a hundred miles has the Pleasureway I have admired on video, the Pleasureway Plateau XLTD. So I can't crawl around one with a tape measure to figure out if everything will fit.
I like the PW Plateau FL, but I can't figure out where to put crates, chairs, and mobility scooter.
Anyway, that's where we're at. Any suggestions for other models that might work, or how to fit everything in appreciated.