Welcome to the club!
Soon enough, we’ll be running this joint.
In terms of managing the anticipation, I suggest focusing some of that energy toward making lists of what you want/need to buy and researching which upgrades, if any, you want to make. I spend much of my time watching youtube reviews on topics like RV memberships, necessary equipment (electrical cables/adapters/surge protection, air compressor, flat repair, battery jump, water regulator), more optional stuff (quick dry towels, hooks/tapes, shower mat, shower heads, dashcam, personal security items), upgrades (suspension, overcab shelf), useful apps, service walkthroughs, storage ideas, and on and on. There is quite the rabbit hole to descend in to. Start a spreadsheet, identify items, and consider snapping up items that are on sale.
I will be going full-time, including creating florida as my domicile, so I need to be a bit more organized since I have additional things to address and won’t have a home base to store extra junk.