We narrowed our choice down to the Class B Travato 59g and the Class B+ Trend 23L. They have virtually the same layout, which was ideal for us, and the same platform (Ram Promaster).
For us, it came down to space ... and by that I mean, my wife stepped into the Travato and said, "No way. This is too tight."
I test drove neither, but read much about the Promaster's driving characteristics, and that was part of why I narrowed to the choice I did. That said, despite the rave reviews on the driving characteristics, I was still surprised at how well the Trend handles and accelerates.
Parking? Yeah, there are issues with a B+. A Travato is a big vehicle that will slightly extend past a standard 20 ft parking stall, but I think most people easily fit the Travato into most standard parking spots. But a Trend is 10 inches wider, and 3 feet longer. I find that I can park in spaces that are unusually large, but normally I would need to park in a more open area of the parking lot (further out in the shopping center lot, for example, so that taking two spots, or extending out into the parking lot aisle a bit isn't a problem. Sometimes you can back up over a low curb and hang over 3ft of the back of the RV into a non-obtrusive area and park in a "regular" spot.
My 2015 Trend 23L has almost 30,000 miles on it and the shocks have not been replaced. It does not have Sumo Springs, either. It handles amazingly well. I don't take corners at high speeds, of course, but I have no problem driving it in heavy traffic. The visibility with the mirrors is excellent, making lane changes a breeze.