It makes it clear the default setting is 0200 ah.
I also reset the Auxiliary Input to the original TEMP versus the other options of Start or Mid Point.
Then the writing in the very next sentence is;
The BMV is now ready for use.
I rarely synchronize the unit, I was of the belief that if the batteries reached full capacity for a certain amount of time that the meter synchronizes itself.
You have just plainly stated the exact reason that I started this thread on the Victron defaults and settings.
My point was, and still is, that while the monitor itself appears to be a good quality unit, the instructions have been "simplified" so much, and defaults made to conservatively, that there is nearly no chance that the monitor will work well for many/most people. The whole goal is to help those that have the Victrons get a better understanding of how they are supposed to work and help get the settings to the point that they work well for the system they are installed on. IMO, almost no one would be able to accurately setup the Victron from their instructions unless they were already knowledgeable about how to set up a monitor.
Sharing the experience from existing Victron users and others with different monitors is a good way for all to learn more about their, and other, systems and how to make them work better.
Re the synchronization, with the numbers that you have gotten and posted.
Yes the monitor should synchronize once it sees full batteries (per the programmed specs) for a period of time, and it is probable that your system is synchronizing that way. The following is what I think may be happening for you to show such a low amp hour use and a very low battery voltage for you size battery bank. The voltage, and thus state of charge should be much higher. This is what it appear you have.
* You have the default settings of 13.2 volts and 4% of amp hour capacity set for the thresholds for indicating a full battery (defaults). 200 amp hour battery capacity which is correct, I think. This will cause a very early full battery indication and synchronization.
* You mention the low battery threshold being 12.2 volts, but the minimum voltage hit is shown at nearly down to 11.9 volts. Edit, I just noticed the generator starting thread and checked and that seems to apply here, so later numbers are getting changed to use the12.2v instead of 11.9v as the 11.9v was during generator starting.
* If we choose the 12.2 volts, that is about 50% state of charge for rested batteries per the Lifeline chart.
* 34 amp hours of use used 50% of your capacity, so you had 68 amp hours of real capacity. 68 amp hours from 200 amp hours of battery is pretty low. You would have used 34 amp hours and had 34 amp hours left.
* If the monitor synchronized early because of the settings and used the 200 amp hour full capacity it would tell you that you had about 83% of capacity left, or 156 amp hours after 34 amp hours were used . But you started at 68 amp hours so would only have 34 amp hours left and the monitor would still tell you that you were at 83% full and 156 ah left. You would keep using them until they were near dead because you thought there was a lot of energy left in the batteries.
This would indicate either totally worn out batteries or a severe undercharging situation, I think, and may have been at least partially caused by the monitor resetting early on less than full charges, making you think you had more battery capacity left than you did and running them to near dead on every cycle, slowly walking the battery capacity down to where you are now. Just a guess, but can't think of any other way you could get those readings. The batteries are behaving as if they only have 68 amp hours of capacity in the numbers shown run.
edited to use 12.2v instead of the 11.9v because the 11.9v was during a generator start.