You are describing what they should have done. I'll draw a schematic when I return from vacation. The inverter is the only box downstream to the shore power input to the Aktiv. There is no intervening circuit breaker or box. The main panel's only connection to shore power safety ground is through the inverter and its internally hardwired 18 gauge wires between gnd input and gnd output.
I think that what I described is what you have. Shore power post, cord, some wiring in the van to the inverter/charger, then to the main box. This is exactly how ours is wired only with the addition of the a power protector inline. It would be the standard way to do a no generator setup. In this case the power source is the power pole, and that is the only place neutral and ground should be bonded. That means whenever you are plugged in the inverter and main box should not be bonded. The problem is in testing it because you can't do an continuity test with it on shore power.
As was mentioned, the "bonded close to the power source" might be technically covering the main box being bonded instead of the inverter, but of course only when the inverter is the AC power source, not shore power.
One big question would have to be if they are using the chassis for ground/safety ground for the AC power. Most RV do, but it certainly isn't required, or maybe even not necessarily the best.