I would agree that with the need to get 4-5 hours being the threshold of use, going up to the 800ah of batteries would get you there, although with a few disclaimers. If you were looking for continuous AC, more battery wouldn't do it, as the death spiral would still be there, and you just gain time before you ran out of power.
I did run some very rough numbers on the 400ah system, and if you were certain that the batteries were totally full when you started, and everything was in good condition, the system likely would make it to 5 hrs of AC time at 100% compressor running. It is close, though.
400ah, both modules on, 380ah usable due to end "cushions" on use patterns (it could be lower than the 380ah, but we Roadtrek doesn't give that spec)
5 amps per module parasitic loss, so 50ah loss in 5 hours of use (could use 33ah of parasitic if you assume no loss during engine running times)
AC using 100 amps continuous
5 allowable runs of 20 minutes, or 1.7hrs, which I think is what the Voltstart allows before shutting off.
Net average out of the engine generator of 165 amps.
No other power use going on at the time
Batteries would give 3.3 hrs of run time
The engine running would give 1.7 hrs of run time
There would be 65 amps available during engine running to recharge batteries, so probably about 55 amps actually making it to the batteries due to inefficiencies so 94 ah recovered which is just under an hour of running.
That would give just under 6 hours of run time.
The big assumption is that they are spinning the alternator fast enough to get 165 amps at engine idle, hot (and it will be very hot with the van not moving while sitting in a hot parking lot). If the alternator output dropped to 100 amps, which is very possible, I think, the results would be right at 5 hours of AC time, so no margin for anything else happening, or any other loads.
If you did go to the 800ah of modules, you would be able to run the AC off the batteries for the entire 5 hours if you were at 3/4 full or more when you started.
One of the huge weaknesses of the Roadtrek setup is that you don't know what state of charge you have when you start, or any other time, as no monitor is included. Lithium batteries hold voltage very consistently over discharge so not a good reference, either.
The other thing to be aware of is if you had your 800ah bank pulled way down from running the AC, it would take 4-5 hours of driving to recharge it at 165 amps of alternator output, so your AC runs would have to be at least a few hours apart with driving in between.
As many have mentioned here, generators are still the kings of long period AC use when no shore power is available, with the big battery systems being somewhat useful in the short term pet in the van issues like the OP has (but you need the 800ah of battery). That doesn't change the fact generators are a PITA for most folks (we got rid of ours), or that they likely are more irritating to other people than a van engine running, though. The other unknown at this time is if there are going to be more and more rules about leaving vehicle engines running for long periods. Some cities and campgrounds already have such rules, and it will be interesting to see if the van idling gets to be more or less restricted than generator running rules.