Charging update.
I still have the Tripplite set on 11 amp charge. I hooked up to 120v to charge the batteries. The Tripplite slowly got the charging to absorption: 14.4v, 5.5 amps into the two 6v house batteries; 14.4 v, 2.5 amps into chassis battery.
I was surprised that the charger was still in absorption after 3 hours: 14.4v, 4.8 amps into the two 6v house batteries; 14.4 v, 0.5 amps into chassis battery. I realized I had never checked the setup long-term with the separator connecting the batteries at the 11 amp Tripplite setting. On the 45 amp setting the Tripplite had only stayed in absorption for a few minutes.
I then put power to the separator to disconnect the chassis battery. The charger dropped to float within a few seconds. The Tripplite stayed in float even after reconnecting the chassis battery. I don’t understand why this happened.
So with the chassis batteries now still connected I then disconnected 120v and reconnected. The Tripplite went back to absorption. The 6v bank charge went to 5 amps and the chassis battery went to 2.5 amps. Not sure why the chassis batteries were now back to taking 2.5 amps instead of 0.5 amp where it had just been.
So I disconnected the chassis battery again. Then I disconnected and reconnected 120v. The Tripplite went to absorb for about 2 minutes, then dropped to float. So the chassis battery needs to be connected in for the Tripplite to stay in absorption. Again, not sure why.
I need to do a longer term check tomorrow as I did not want to leave the Tripplite hooked up overnight and possibly overcharge. The 11 amp setting definitely behaves different, and for the better, than the 45 amp setting. I just hope the Tripplite eventually drops to float. I am pretty sure it does as we went camping a few weeks ago and the voltmeter showed the batteries in float when I checked them after being plugged in for a few hours. This was also after the vehicle had been driven 2 hours so the chassis battery was near full, which may be a factor in how the charging occurs???
I am hoping that for maintenance purpose it may be that having a timer turn the Tripplite on for a few hours each day will work.
I am still working toward a small solar setup to keep the batteries at full charge as well. And I just purchased a Trimetric TM-2030-RV to monitor the system.