Senior Member
I hadn't given much thought to a mouse getting in the generator on my RT 210 until I read a post on this forum.
I had not opened the access door to the genny since last fall. When I opened it recently I found what looked like insulation over the carb. Looking closer, I could see some fine pieces of twigs in it. I started to remove it and it became apparent it was a mouse bed.
Now I was concerned for the wiring or other components they can damage.
Fortunately I stared the generator and all went well.
Now, how to prevent future infestation. I looked on the net and found mice can enter a hole less than 1/2". So, I bought some 1/4" hardware cloth and hope I have solved the problem. The screen on the air intake can be easily removed if the cover needs to come off by sliding the 2 rods down and out releasing the screen.
I had not opened the access door to the genny since last fall. When I opened it recently I found what looked like insulation over the carb. Looking closer, I could see some fine pieces of twigs in it. I started to remove it and it became apparent it was a mouse bed.
Now I was concerned for the wiring or other components they can damage.
Fortunately I stared the generator and all went well.
Now, how to prevent future infestation. I looked on the net and found mice can enter a hole less than 1/2". So, I bought some 1/4" hardware cloth and hope I have solved the problem. The screen on the air intake can be easily removed if the cover needs to come off by sliding the 2 rods down and out releasing the screen.
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