Here is a bit of information Advanced RV mentioned to me. To corroborate I asked Elite Power Solutions about it.
My question:
You say the operating temperature for 200ah GBS batteries is -4F to 149F. What is the effect on the batteries if totally disconnected and stored when temperatures drop lower than -4F. In Minnesota I can expect outside temperatures to drop to around -20F in the winter at times. My 800ah battery bank is not removable in any practical manner. I could face a storage situation when not using my RV where I cannot plug into shore power to utilize my heating pads to keep temperatures above freezing as I normally have done.
Elite Power Solutions' Answer:
Temperatures below -4°F (-20°C) will cause the electrolyte to freeze which will cause permanent damage to the batteries if it does not kill them entirely. If storage temperatures will go below -4°F then you will need to heat the batteries to above -4°F to prevent damage to the battery. There is no exception to this.
There you have it. You have to keep your lithium ion batteries above -4F (-20C). Also you can draw power from them at temperatures down to -4F and still be 90% efficient. You cannot charge them below freezing of 32F. Optimally you should keep your batteries stored and above 41F.
My question:
You say the operating temperature for 200ah GBS batteries is -4F to 149F. What is the effect on the batteries if totally disconnected and stored when temperatures drop lower than -4F. In Minnesota I can expect outside temperatures to drop to around -20F in the winter at times. My 800ah battery bank is not removable in any practical manner. I could face a storage situation when not using my RV where I cannot plug into shore power to utilize my heating pads to keep temperatures above freezing as I normally have done.
Elite Power Solutions' Answer:
Temperatures below -4°F (-20°C) will cause the electrolyte to freeze which will cause permanent damage to the batteries if it does not kill them entirely. If storage temperatures will go below -4°F then you will need to heat the batteries to above -4°F to prevent damage to the battery. There is no exception to this.
There you have it. You have to keep your lithium ion batteries above -4F (-20C). Also you can draw power from them at temperatures down to -4F and still be 90% efficient. You cannot charge them below freezing of 32F. Optimally you should keep your batteries stored and above 41F.